Horses for sale
For more imformations contact our at mao@centrum.is
At our farm we breed horses for sale. If you cannot find the right horse for you at our farm, we will try to help you find it elsewhere. We will also help you export your horse to another country. It costs about 2.000 to export a horse to the United States. Maybe a bit more if the cost of the quarantine has gose up. We want to help you find a really good horse in Iceland because it is so expensive to export them. It is no problem to find a horse that would cost 2.000 or less, but the quality of this horse is not what we would be proud to sell. We hope that you would be willing to buy a more expensive horse with better qualities. We have horses for sale in the 3.000-4.000 price range and more expensive ones that would make good brood mares, competition horses and stallions. Please contact us at mao@centrum.is
On this site we write about some of the horses which we have for sale. We have also many other horses for sale and we can find your dream horse in our area
.,. Geldings
Skablesi is a good family horse. 8 years gelding
Fifill 97 1 56 279 Fifill is a red/dun (Pink) with a star, 4 gaited? gelding. Fifill is a young horse we just started training. At this point, he looks very safe and we believe he will be a good riding horse as well as a fine family horse. We are offering him at such a low price because of his age, but he needs more training before he is a good riding horse. We call this stage "slysafang" in Iceland. We do not know who his father is but his mother, Lisa, was only 3 years old when she had him. Lisa is a good riding mare and we hope he will be it also
96.1.56-276 Andri from Holabaki
Andri is sold to the US
Andri is very easy 4 gaited gelding. Mostly everyone can ride him and he is friendly.
F.: 90.1.84-730 Andvari from Ey I
Ff.: 86.1.86-055 Orri from Thufu
Fff.: 82.1.51-001 Otur from Saudarkroki
M.: 88.2.56-276 Dis from Holabaki
Kunst from Storu Asgeirsa
Kunst from Storu Asgeirsa is very nice looking mare and a good riding horse.
Snegla from Haukagili.
Sold to the US Snegla is red with a star. She has very good main. Everyone can ride her and it is lot of fun to ride her. She does not lift the legs a lot, but her gait are clear and easy to get her to tolt. Her number is 95.2.56-174 if you would like to look to Fengur. She is form a very good breeding line as you can see belowe:
F.: 81.1.57-025 Kjarval from Saudarkroki
Ff.: 76.1.57-003 Hervar from Saudarkroki
Fff.: 67.1.57-001 Blossi from Saudarkroki
Ffm.: 73.2.57-008 Hervor from Saudarkroki
Fm.: 68.2.57-003 Hrafnhetta from Saudarkroki
Fmf.: 64.1.65-480 Eyfirdingur from Akureyri
Fmm.: 52.2.57-001 Sida from Saudarkroki
M.: 84.2.65-045 Orvor from Thvera, Skidadal
Mf.: 74.1.88-790 Orvar from Homrum
Mff.: 68.1.88-781 Hamar from Homrum
Mfm.: 57.2.88-771 Harpa from Homrum
Mm.: 76.2.65-805 Sunna from Thvera, Skidadal
93.2.56-856 Stassa frá Hoskuldsstodum Stassa is a first prize mare and very good competition horse who has got 8,5 for tolt in an evaluation.
F.: 87.1.56-009 Huginn from Hoskuldsstodum
Ff.: 73.1.57-005 Gustur from Saudarkroki
Fff.: 64.1.57-001 Sorli from Saudarkroki
Ffm.: 58.2.57-001 Fluga from Saudarkroki
M.: 82.2.56-018 Zeta from Hoskuldsstodum
Stassa was evaluatde 2000 and get 8,03
Mess: 138.00 - - 134.00 - 63.00 - 140.00 - - - - - 2.7 - 1.8
Conformation: 7.50 - 8.00 - 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.50 - 8.00 - 8.50 - 7.50 - 8.02
Riding: 8.50 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 6.50 - 7.50 - - - 8.50 - 7.50 - 8.50 - 8.04
Fluga 94256456 is with very good tolt and good riding mare in nice colour
Stjarna 95 2 56 333 Sold to the US Stjarna is a grey 4 gaited mare, a good family horse Stjarna is a safe riding horse with very clear gaits. This is a horse everyone can ride. She is a rather large mare who has had a lot of training. Her color is stunning and she will continue to get lighter as she gets older. This is an excellent mare and will make a wonderful riding horse for some lucky person.
Hylling 95 2 84 690 Hylling is a grey 4 gaited mare, a breeding mare or competition horse Hylling is a very good riding horse with good tolt and trot. She is a daughter of Gaski from Hofsstodum very well known first prize stallion, and Feilnota 83284690 from Ey. I bought her in January, 2000. She has been evaluated. She received 7.99 in conformation, 8 in trot and 8 in tolt (this was after only 5 months of training) She is an excellent mare for good rider, not for beginning rider. We have started training her again this winter and are excited to see the progress she makes For more informations mao@centrum.is
Hula is a good mare for sale in March Hula 91 2 55 417 Red with a blaze, 5 gaited, fun to ride for everyone, family horse.
Hula is a good riding mare who has had a lot of training. She had a foal last summer.We started her training again in March and she is doing very well. Her father is 84.1.51-003 Godi from Saudarkroki Ff.: 67.1.86-102 Thattur from Kirkjubae Fff.: 62.1.86-101 Hylur from Kirkjubae Ffm.: 49.2.86-101 Von from Kirkjubae Fm.: 73.2.57-008 Hervor from Saudarkroki Fmf.: 68.1.57-460 Hrafn from Holtsmula Fmm.: 52.2.57-001 Sida from Saudarkroki M.: 86.2.55-102 Oregla from Grafarkoti Mf.: 81.1.51-001 Seifur from Saudarkroki Hula was evaluated 1999. She get 7,55 Conformation: 8.50 - 7.50 - 8.00 - 7.50 - 7.00 - 8.50 - 7.00 - 7.63 Riding: 7.50 - 7.00 - 7.00 - 6.50 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 7.50 - 7.00 - - 7.47
- other photos
Lisa 94 2 56 280 Lisa is a red/dun (Pink), 5 gaited mare, familyhorse Lisa is a 5 gaited mare with a clear tolt. She is an easy riding horse and almost anyone can ride her. She is small in size but big in personality.
Mön 93 2 86 573
Mon 93 2 86 573 is in a nice colour. She is pregnant by Ham from Thoroddsstodum. She has got 7,91 for comformations and 7,76 for riding. She got 8.5 for tolt in an evaluation. She is a very good riding mare with a clear gait. Her tolt is good and also the trot. She is not for beginner rider but a lot of fun for people with some experience
95.2.56-276 Tvista from Holabaki
Tvista is an easy 4 gaited mare and good for beginner and mostly everyone.
F.: 84.1.51-101 Stigandi from Saudarkroki
Ff.: 67.1.86-102 Thattur from Kirkjubae
Fff.: 62.1.86-101 Hylur from Kirkjubae
Ffm.: 49.2.86-101 Von from Kirkjubae
Fm.: 78.2.57-000 Osp from Saudarkroki
M.: 90.2.56-276 Svala from Holabaki
Mf.: 79.1.25-040 Adam from Medalfelli Mff.: 68.1.57-460 Hrafn from Holtsmula
Tvista was evaluated 2000 She got 7.48
Conformation: 8.00 - 8.00 - 6.00 - 7.50 - 7.50 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 7.50 - 7.66
Riding: 7.50 - 8.00 - 7.50 - 5.50 - 7.50 - - - 8.00 - 6.50 - 8.00 - 7.36
conform: 120 113 84 104 102 106 109
Riding: 107 101 95 105 104 104 113
All.: 105 +/- 7
Stikla 95255026. Her father is Kolfinnur. She is pregnant form Odur from Brun
Competition horses
Fidringur from Storu Asgeirsa 92155026 Fidringur is a good 5 gaited competition horse. He is black and nice looking gelding. He is rally willing and not a horse for beginner. It is a lot of fun af riding this horse but people with some experience can easly handle him. He is son of the famous stallion Orri from Thufu. Ff.: 82.1.51-001 Otur from Saudarkroki Fff.: 76.1.57-003 Hervar from Saudarkroki Mother of Fidringur is 85.2.57-054 Syrtla from Sigridarstodum Mf.: 76.1.86-010 Eldur from Stora-Hofi Mff.: 70.1.65-740 Nattfari from Ytra-Dalsgerdi
He was evaluated 1997 and got 7.88 conformation 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 7.50 8.50, 7.75 Riding: 7.50 8.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
Hodur from Storu Asgeirsa 93.1.55-025 Hodur is good competition horse, 4 gaited gelding. He was at last landsmot in the group of young rider. Everyone with of a bit of experience can ride this horse, and it is alot of fun to ride him. F.: 87.1.25-300 Fjolnir from Kopavogi Ff.: 80.1.57-510 Atli from Sydra-Skordugili Fff.: 68.1.57-460 Hrafn from Holtsmula M.: 85.2.57-054 Syrtla from Sigridarstodum Mf.: 76.1.86-010 Eldur from Stora-Hofi Mff.: 70.1.65-740 Nattfari from Ytra-Dalsgerdi
Hodur was evaluated 2000 All 7.81
Confirmation 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.91
Riding: 8.50 8.00 7.00 5.00 8.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.75
For more informations mao@centrum.is
Funi 96149201 from Bjarnarnesi
Funi from Bjarnanesi is a first prize stallion only 5 years old. He is son of Solon from Holi and his grandfather is the famous stallion Sorli from Saudarkroki. He has got 7,89 for conformation at an Evaluation and 8,12 for riding. He is a good stallion.
Flygill 93125120 from Mosfellsbae Flygill is a stallion born in 1993. palomino with a Blaze.
F: Stigandi 87184919 from Hvolsvelli Conf.: 8,15 Rid.: 7,99 Total: 8,07 (9,5 for trot) - FF: Bylur 892 from Kolkuosi FM: Stjornunott 73257003 from Kolkuosi M: Perla 84286082 from Ey MF: Penni 79187002 from Arnarholti MM: Frekja 77284730 from Ey
Flygill was last spring shown in a breeding competition. He has 8,13 for conformation and we have a reason to believe that he will come over 8,00 in total next spring. He is a promising competition horse and is easy to handle and ride. measurement: 142.00 - 132.00 - 140.00 - 64.00 - 144.00 - Conformation: 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.50 - 8.50 - 8.00 - 7.50 - 8.50,- 9.00 -8.13 Riding: 8.00 - - 8.00 - 5.00 - 8.00 - - - 8.50 - 7.50 - 8.00 - 7.62 For more informations mao@centrum.is