My family
My wife's and my ancestors.
My ancestors have been farmers at my farm, Sveinsstadir, more than 400 years. My great great grandfather started farming at Sveinsstadir in 1844 and his son followed in his footsteps. Since then, a son has carried on the tradition of his father.
When I was a young boy I helped my father with the farmwork and I was only 3 years old when I got my first sheep and a bit later I got my first horse. I married my wife, Bjorg Thorgilsdottir in 1979. That year we bought half of Sveinsstadir from my father and later we bought the other half.
Our sons Our older son's name is Olafur and we call him Oli. He was born 1979. He is a student at the horse trainer school at Holar.
Our younger son's name is Thorgils and we call him Gilsi.
He was born 1981. He is going to be a carpenter. After Christmas he will go to the United States and stay with our friends Barb and Dan Riva.
Magnus and Bjorg in the garden. Behind us you can see a copy of our old farmhouse. It was built by Gilsi, our son.
Our daugthers Our daughter is Elin Osk, born in 1987. She goes to school near our home.
Bjorg had one daughter, Helga, before we married. She lives in Blonduos with her husband and 3 children. They visit us a lot and the kids like to ride in the tractor with Grandpa.
Maybe we can put a photo of our grandchildren later